
The Rest of Life: Rest, Play, Eating, Studying, Sex from a Kingdom Perspective is unavailable, but you can change that!

When was the last time you heard a sermon on the theological importance of play? What do rest, eating, studying—and sex—have to do with the kingdom of God? Strangely, although these activities together take up much of our time, they seldom receive much discussion from a biblical point of view. In The Rest of Life Ben Witherington explores these subjects in the light of biblical teaching about the...

line between a person’s spirituality and their sexuality, and sometimes these two things get confused and fused. A person who is passionate in the way of eros is also prone to be passionate in the way of agape; hence some of the cautionary words in the Bible about sex. When you get people revved up about love of God and neighbor, it is understandable they might also get revved up about sex. The preface to Bell’s book lays out the groundwork for what follows, and the “this is that” principle. Bell
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